At this time of year, just after darkness falls, we get to see the thickest part of the Milky Way extending over more than half the sky from Cygnus to Scutum to Sagittarius. And where there’s Milky Way, there are star clouds. Grab your binoculars or small telescope and take a tour of the best star clouds of a northern summer (and southern winter) with the recent article published in Sky & Telescope magazine. Inspired by the photographic work of E.E. Barnard in the early 20th century, this sky tour starts with the ‘Great Cloud’ of Sagittarius and works northwards, stopping to see many star clusters and dark nebula in and around these regions of shimmering starlight. It also includes visuals, especially the recent black-and-white film photography of James Cormier. Click on the image to the left to download the article on PDF format (it’s about 6MB). Then enjoy the tour!