Here are a few articles for your reading pleasure that may give you a little insight about the universe, and may even give you a little nudge to go out and see the sky for yourself
The Allure of Our Nearest Celestial Neighbor
Begin with the Q&A article at AstronomyConnect.com with the remarkable author, photographer, and amateur astronomer Robert Reeves. Robert has been observing and imaging the heavens since the days before Sputnik became a thing, and he’s been going strong ever since. In this thoughtful recollection, he explains what is so compelling about the Moon and why we should all take the time to observe and learn about this nearest celestial neighbor. You can read the article here…

4 Mind-Blowing Thing About Stars
From the Moon to the stars now with this engaging read about stars at the always-fascinating website WaitButWhy.com. The author of this site, Tim Urban, has as part of his mission to remind you not to constantly ignore the universe. In this article, he has waded into the science of stars to choose the four most astounding facts about these cosmic atom factories. Read the article here.

Ancient Rocks, New Stars
Finally, an old article from my dormant site OneMinuteAstronomer.com in which I consider the view of some of our galaxy’s newest stars over some of the Earth’s most ancient landscape, a place where the rocks date back from a time well before complex life formed, and before the Earth’s atmosphere was stocked with oxygen. Read the article at this link.
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